Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mowing Our Children Down With Weapons of War

Tears will never wash the pain away
My heart has stopped
Tears will never
It's dark there now
The Black is seeping, growing
Seeping into every crack, every
cell, every membrane, memory
Rain will never wash the pain away
I'm bulging with grief
The pain of knowing that I stood by and did nothing.
My imagined and real pain of parents, sisters, brothers
cousins, Aunts and Uncles, Grandmothers, Grandfathers
and friends must bear
Is haunting, hunting, horrifying and the black
just keeps running as a river.  Splashing it's way into my eyes
ears nose throat.  Finger tips skin hair
Hundreds! Is the count of these acts really
in the hundreds now?  And yet as a nation we are
paralyzed.  Is there some sort of congressional
committee working on this?  Don't we have
committees for everything, researching,
investigating, recommending?  Why isn't
the media pursuing, printing, videoing
the few people who do care, who do have
ideas, who are pressing and pushing for protection
for our innocents?  What kind of society
are we?????????????  How can we
keep acting like nothing has happened,
turn a blind eye, pretend that Florida
is far away and that we are safe
I guess I should be saying I not we
That's what I've been doing.  These
terrorist attacks and that is what
I am calling them no matter what
the definition is.  What action will I
take?  Will I take this personally and
know that if they aren't safe, if they are
hurt then nobody is safe and everyone
Why don't we have a term that fits the
description of this horror film played
over and over in real life?  Mass shooting?
mass killing?  More like Mass Murder,
Mass Carnage, Butchery, Blood Bath.
If we use more graphic terms will our
leaders listen and act? Will I?  Mass
shooting...what a laugh that isn't funny.
I am going to join the fight somewhere
against this horrifying specter, the
blackness that is stretching its inky tentacles
across the land of the imprisoned and
the home of the cowardly.