Friday, January 13, 2017

Some days nothing different happens.  Today was not that day.  Today I saw something I've never seen or done before.  I guess when you are a custodian at a huge university you better get used to being surprised.  Picture is of my souvinir, a blister, too much plunging.

What is Orange and Floats?

Bet you can't guess what I'm thinking!
Here are some hints to get your wheels turning.

Two inches long, and one inch wide
Smells sweet and good to eat
except when mixed with toilet paper
and pewy poopy.

Could have been nine little
goldfish happily swimming
These are blind and cannot swim.
Just tossed around from rim to rim.

Sad to say I was the one who found them.
one by one they came up from the deep
being sucked and sucked till they couldn't creep.
Only nine! there must be ten!

The pot is still overflowing when flushing
They keep popping up and floating
Is this never ending, before my eyes
Orange things keep appearing!

I know you can't begin to guess
so here is the crazy answer
Some idiot girl unsuccessfully tried
to flush their cantaloupe down the sewer!

What were you thinking you might say aghast
My theory I just came up with
is their shaking fingers fumbled and fumbled
And into the toilet her fruit salad tumbled.

Then you have to say,
when number 2 is on the way,
why, bring your delicious
fruit salad into a stall
where it could poosibly fall!

1 comment:

  1. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed outloud and Sam cringed in dismay.
