Friday, December 2, 2016

Little Henry William,
we know so little of you.
You lived so vibrantly in the womb
Just out of touch,
just out of our grasp
we'll grieve for our loss.
To stroke your head,
hear you coo and giggle,
see you suck your thumb
burp and tumble.

We try to picture you
in our mind,
a full grown spirit
to comfort our sorrow.
Running around in heaven
on God's merciful errand.

Patient and faithful
that God in his heaven
all knowing, all seeing
will pour out
grand blessings and
faithfully comfort.

We'll keep our daydreams
safely tucked in our secret hiding place
until the time we meet
and embrace you face to face.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Life can be like the sunshine and warm breezes but quickly turn stormy.  An unwanted hot flash, and a million other things can rub me the wrong way.  Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite.  I'm all sunny one minute the next I'm not a very nice person.  Happy that I don't have to be perfect but sometimes I wish I was a little farther down that path

Eager to be
eager to feel
eager to see
eager to know
things of the Spirit
Like the sun that shines so brightly
at times I do so
Like dark clouds scudding quickly
that can overcome the glow
Why do I let shadows creep in
and steal my heavenly peace
Love, take the place of pride
and make me see all living kind
inside of me, a part of me
by thy patient grace.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Here is a poem I wrote November 25 the day after Thanksgiving.  A very trying day.  I cried myself to sleep that night and actually wrote this in bed because I couldn't sleep.

Help Us
See the rose that fades away
See the parched and barren land
Angels come quickly, hear our cry
for the lost and lonesome die.
Send the gentle rain
Take back the hail, sleet and snow.
Turn our hearts and make them flow.
Flow through valleys lush and green
giving more as we go.

The lights are up!
Our hearts are full!
Snow is fluffy
on the ground.
Evergreens everywhere
snow resting
on their arms.
Get the skis out
time to glide.
It's cold
yet it's warm.
It's dark
yet it's light.
Serve the chocolate
Turn on the tree!
Life, winter, the barren tree
We can dress it up
to be what we want it to be!

Monday, November 21, 2016

I'm having a bit of a hard time getting inspired now.  I should be able to write a poem about the Hartford Temple being dedicated on my mom's birthday so I'll give it a shot.

Mothers stand like temples
They have a lot in common
they bring us closer to God
unite families
help us see things clearly
comfort us
guide us
point us toward heaven
beautiful inside and out
made of the finest materials.
Their door is always open.
They testify of Christ's love.
Help you return to your Father in Heaven.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Oranges glow
as the sun
Beets, the color of my blood
Carrot fingers
mushroom toes
In the forest how they grow

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Here I am 59 years old and still worried about my weight.  If I was talking with my friend I would call her out on it and say you're at the age where you don't have to worry about that anymore.  To be a good grandmother you have to have folds for your grandkids to snuggle into.  But here I was the other day ready to try a high protein diet to shed a quick 5 lbs because, exclamation point, I had gotten up to my holiday weight way before holiday eating even started!  But, Will warned me against it and it does go against the word of wisdom.  And then by chance I came across some articles that led me to a place of peace and I'm sure Heavenly Father sent his Spirit as well to confirm these things  in my mind.  Because I feel completely different about my body right now, different than my whole life.  I just hope this feeling isn't gliding in and gliding out.  Here's my poem about it.

To love your body is a sin
Today you're made to hate your form
What will others think of me
If I am up to a size 10

For me no more!
I'll side with Dove
And give myself
A great big hug!

I'm here to talk to all of us

There is so much of course to like
Instead of all the jigly chub
I'll keep my flub though, just the same
And tell myself I'm not ashamed.

The thought I have that
makes me fly,
"I love my bod,
this outward shell"
This simple thought
Will help me keep
myself so strong.

Will keep me from the pantry shelf
Where things are kept to make it weak
I'll eat and drink the food I love
With just the right amount of no

This is healthy, this feels right
Appreciate my beating heart
My lungs;  balloons fill up with air!
All sight, all sound, all taste, all fair!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I started this poem last night after the Giants beat the Bengals on Monday Night Football.  Seems I always think of my Dad whenever I watch the Giants, our family's favorite football team way before my memories start.  I've passed the tradition down to some of my children which makes me very happy.  Brother Jon and his kids too.  It's fun when we can get together and cheer and put holes in the ceiling and think of Elmer.

My father's knee
a good place to be
when all we felt was sorrow
as we watched our team
get buried.

We suffered toe to toe
As we watched Francis T.
and wide receiver Homer Jones go
 home unceremoniously.

Week after week we'd sit there suffering
cheering loudly, loyally crying
hoping that one week
we'd end up cheering and
happily sighing.

Didn't happen much
But we were diehard fans
Who cares about lunch
 dirty pots and pans

The games were long 
full of disappointment
Giant fans always strong
Ever loyal in our deportment.

He made me a Giant fan
Of the New York Giants see
The sweet memories still fill me
Sundays, always hopeful,
Next to my Dad

Monday, November 14, 2016

On Saturday evening we went out to dinner with Will and Jess.  They picked a nice spot, Cappeletti's in St. George.  It was more of an event that just dinner.  We must have been there at least an hour and a half.  And the price was pretty moderate.  Colorful motif and chairs.  A lively mix of patrons.  Good service and delicious food.  Great company, talking about the election and their take on it.  It was good to hear that neither one of them voted for Trump.  The next day we went to church with them and they made us a fantastic dinner which they lovingly prepared.  We took off at around 4 and made it home safely.  The nice part of the ride home was the front row seat to the super moon dodging in and out of the mountains as we drove along.

Here's a haiku

Playing hide and seek
with the super moon going
eighty was zaney!

Money in the sky
A big giant coin
You can see his head
But not his tail.
Jim and I took a weekend trip down south to Zion's and St. George.  We ended up on the backside of Zions at a trail called Wildcat Canyon Trail.  It is a also a trail leading to the Subway trail which you need a permit for and has slot canyons you need to repel down.  So that was cool to know where that was.  We walked about 5 miles, a three hour hike.  It was flat and full of ponderosa pines.  It seemed like a lot of the trunks were burned but the trees survived.  If there was a fire that burned up trees and killed them they were cleared out of there.  The path was mostly soft sand and grassy fields with the scattered ponderosa.  Then we came to Wildcat canyon and
 great views of many slickrock domes.  We climbed down into the canyon and decided to climb up one of the domes, there was a saddle between two and we decided on that and then continued up to a ridge of sorts.  I wish I had walked across it and up to a slightly higher peak but where we made it to was rigorous enough and gave us a fantastice view to the west.

There's a remedy
for all your ills
Out in the yellow and green hills

The tall and stately Ponderosa
The golden sun-kissed grasses
Waving gently in the breezes

Under our feet
Soft sand, pine cones and rocks
Making their way down into our socks

Tap tap tapping woodpecker
Clouds whipped into horsetails now
You look at the cliff-what! Acow!

We scaled steep loose rock,
Up to the saddle
Granted a better view than Seattle

The Song of the Wild
The Call of the Wild
The Wildness of Zion enlivend till tired.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Today I worked on the poem I wrote yesterday.  I hope you like the finished (as of this moment) product.  Today swimming, lunch, and work are pretty normal.  Well, maybe not I was able to hold and play with Hudson while his dad, one of my best, all-time- favorite workers, worked on a letter of recommendation from me.  The kids are so much better at writing  and its all true so it works.  Hudson is six months old, very fair, happy, wants to be on the move, got 4 shots today, wasn't grumpy yet, scratched my face and was fascinated by the construction going on out back.

Hudson, a name implying greatness, strength and patience
I'm thinking of the river and Indians and settlers
Boats, oarsmen, wars, shipments of supplies
commerce, gateway.  Tall cliffs, large, seagulls,
 passageway to the north, George Washington
 New York City, and patriots.
What a wonderful name.  Wonder why they picked it.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Today we went to a lecture titled, Live Life Large.  Given by an English professor and his wife here on campus.  Their words inspired this poem.  Plus, I looked up the professor's poems and thought I'd try to write a mature poem.  I'm seeing the benefit of someone, say a classmate, critique and give encouragement through thoughtful discussion of how it could be better.  Because I have no idea what I'm doing!

Live Your Life

Vermont-made syrup smothering a pancake
with succulant blueberrys inside.

Pushing your diaphanous brain
to murmur a poem everyday.

Watching ripples fall behind

As you paddle on the blue.

The silky chlorination
caressing every inch and cell.

Screaming, tackling midgets
fighting for their place

snuggling on the sofa couch
Eager for Bear greeting moon.

Standing in front of a Minerva Teichert.
LOVE, memories of Love Story.

Listening to an owl hoot.
The pink flamingos on one foot.

Watching Old Faithful shoot into the air
Gigantic ancestral bison munching grass.

Eagerly opening a brand new book
Glued to your fingers, eyes drooping.

A tick ticking clock while
Aces, tick, hearts, tock and spades

glow on your hand held device.
Get up! Saddle up! And ride!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So, if you read my last post I was devastated after the election of Donald Trump as
 President of the United States.  I knew in my heart that Heavenly Father could take care of the bitterness I felt inside.  Luckily, Wednesdays are temple days for Jim and I.  It was the perfect remedy for the way I was feeling.  I know I am skeptical when people tell me they feel better after going to the temple.  But now I know for myself that it can happen.  I went in feeling like my world was falling apart and that I'd never get over the question of, how could this happen.  But from the moment the endowment session started, it felt like I was hearing the words like I had never really heard them before or understood them in such a real way.  I had prayed the last time I went to the temple that, could these things that I'm hearing be made more real to me Heavenly Father?  I'd forgotten that prayer, it was given at least 3 weeks ago.  But Heavenly Father didn't forget and I was blessed today to know some pretty amazing things.  I have got to remember what I learned!  Confidence because I am a Queen to be!This beautiful earth really was made with love to house us while in this mortal state.  I can live my life thinking about the Savior as I make daily decisions and repent.  I felt focused and that my mind was quickened by the spirit, more attentive and understanding.  It was a really good feeling.

Here is a Kennings poem

The Spirit in the Temple healed




The Temple was a miracle for me today.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Night 2016

Worse than Halloween in all its horror
The biggot, womanizer, gropper
crass, wall builder
keep muslims out racist!
Just might be the next President
of the now United States.
I can't believe it...What do we see in him?
Do we just hate and mistrust Her so much?
What about the earth
Is she silently crying right now?
Knowing that those who care
are being ushered out
I know I've never cried
because of an election before
But I'm crying now
Along with mother earth
And all the minorities in this great land.

Monday, November 7, 2016

I made
some chili
No I should say not, it grossed my Jim out!
Had to wash it down with a chaser of fries and nuggets
I was pleasantly pleased, expecting the worst
Cautiously ate a few bites and
declared this could win a prize possibly first
My friend, Cody, shot the elegant Elk
with his trusty bow and arrow-
he said it was old and wouldn't
taste better than an old
wheel barrow.
So, its a nice surprise
when you think you'll despise
and it turns out completely different
and utterly better than you ever expected
I mean I was ready for gamey awfulness
but the cumin and chili powder
covered it up like clams in a chowder!
So thanks Cody for sharing
Going into the mountains
Aiming, gutting, and hauling
Just being so  daring!
Your Elk made a tasty meal
 you may have even expanded
my dietary choices, do people eat seal?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday November 6th 2016.  My sister Onna was born in 1966, 50 years ago.  Strange to think that we are All in our 5th decade of living and we were just youngsters not long ago.  All, as in my brothers and sisters.  And next year I'll be All alone in my 60's.  I used to like being the oldest but now I don't like it at All!!  We're All in good health, knock on wood, and young in spirit and body for the most part.  Praise Heavenly Father for All that!
She's fifty years young
Merry, athletic and fun
Proud she's my sister

Onna soars through the air
None can touch her heights
Naturally gentle and loving
Always abounding in light

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Today is my Grandpa Daniels birthday.  I don't know how old he would be.  I have very fond memories of him. He had a dog named Pete when I was small and then a dog named Missy that would ride in the car with him with her head out the window over his shoulder.  Whenever we went to Carvel for a treat he would get her a pineapple sundae.  He would play parcheese with us and cards and get out his pennies and play poker.  We would listen to Boston Redsox baseball games and Yankees too on the radio on summer evenings in the back yard. He chewed tobacco and had a can in the car he would spit into.And he put ketchup on his mashed potatoes.
 I went to visit mom and dad's grave today.  I wrote some haiku's while I was there. They aren't very good but I will write them down.

Elmer and Dor'thy
Could you be angels watching,
Guiding us to Thee?

Elmer and Dor'thy
Do angels get any rest
Watching over us?

Gramp, Happy Birthday
Are you working with Mom for
Your posterity?

Here's one I thought of as I was walking to the cemetary about a mile from our house.

Thighs are getting fat
Never noticed that before
Thigh fat, no! Not that!

There once was a couple, Will and Jess
A supremely suited pair, I must confess
They both love pizza
Playing golf, going to plays a
And hunting for wild horses!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Jim, Jon, Karen and I had the opportunity to go up to Brigham City today for a memorial service for Dennis Moore.   They were good friends of ours in Connecticut over a long period of time since I was a teenager.  Par was also there to give homage and comfort to this wonderful family.  What made it even more special was the fact that we haven't seen their oldest son, Ryan in about 15 or so years.  He was there with his wife and 4 beautiful children.  The love of family was in the air and I guess we were their family in Conn.  An energy could be tangibly felt, vibrant love.
We also took a trip to Ct about 4 weeks ago and saw family and friends there.  And we went to the Nye family farm a couple of weeks ago.  A farm family that moved to Utah from Washington Connecticut and knew Dad and Uncle Vinnie very well.  They paid tribute to their Dad that passed earlier this year and gave everyone a tour of their remodeled farm, food and yummy treats.  And although I didn't know him personally it was exciting to join in the festivities just being the daughter of a dear friend from CT.  Jon and Karen took me and John Nye was extremely pleased we made the drive out.
Here is a Haiku poem for today

Connecticut friends
Seen a lot of them lately
Their love never ends

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Back to my sticky notes, literally.  My daughter Jessica is doing some kind of November writing thing.  I don't know what it's called because it's not a real word.  But she has the goal of writing a book and publishing it in November and it has to be at least 50000 words!  She found out that I wrote a poem for Dennis Moore's family and now she wants me to be her writing buddy.  We check in with each other everyday to see what progress we have made.  Me with my poems and she with her book. So my goal is to work on a poem everyday.  Today I looked up poetry on the internet and found a wonderful resource.  I learned about acrostic poems.   They look like this.

Five little letters spell this powerful word.
A  mustard seed worth can move
Icy mountains, tame roaring seas
The sick are healed, Hearts are soothed
Have faith in Christ, and miracles will never cease!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My nephew Noah came home from his mission today.  All of the family gathered at the airport to greet him and welcome him home.  From the moment we saw him until I left him at Cafe Rio he was smiling from ear to ear.  And he just seemed (at least on the outside) so relaxed and peaceful.

Here's a limerick to celebrate him home.

There once was a boy whose name was Noah
His smile was as wide as a boa
He kept very still
You know he's quite chill
The opposite of Nate, his brotha.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My tribute poem to Dennis Moore.  A special friend who just passed away.  He was our mentor, branch president, Bishop in the Goshen Branch and Ward when I was a teenager.  We all looked up to him.

That Utah Air
Blowing in from the West
The Air we all needed to breathe
in our new Saintly skins.
It helped us survive
And showed us what
If we could hold onto the
Light we just found.
Blow on our flickering flames
And we grew brighter

Did we seem like a mess
when you first laid eyes on us?
No matter,
You loved us from the first
And oh how we loved you and
Oh how we needed you.

The Air you gave us,
Left you in the end.
The twist that makes everything perfect
The Air you gave so freely
and the air that was taken from you (throughout your life)
Built your beautiful mansion above.