Thursday, November 17, 2016

Here I am 59 years old and still worried about my weight.  If I was talking with my friend I would call her out on it and say you're at the age where you don't have to worry about that anymore.  To be a good grandmother you have to have folds for your grandkids to snuggle into.  But here I was the other day ready to try a high protein diet to shed a quick 5 lbs because, exclamation point, I had gotten up to my holiday weight way before holiday eating even started!  But, Will warned me against it and it does go against the word of wisdom.  And then by chance I came across some articles that led me to a place of peace and I'm sure Heavenly Father sent his Spirit as well to confirm these things  in my mind.  Because I feel completely different about my body right now, different than my whole life.  I just hope this feeling isn't gliding in and gliding out.  Here's my poem about it.

To love your body is a sin
Today you're made to hate your form
What will others think of me
If I am up to a size 10

For me no more!
I'll side with Dove
And give myself
A great big hug!

I'm here to talk to all of us

There is so much of course to like
Instead of all the jigly chub
I'll keep my flub though, just the same
And tell myself I'm not ashamed.

The thought I have that
makes me fly,
"I love my bod,
this outward shell"
This simple thought
Will help me keep
myself so strong.

Will keep me from the pantry shelf
Where things are kept to make it weak
I'll eat and drink the food I love
With just the right amount of no

This is healthy, this feels right
Appreciate my beating heart
My lungs;  balloons fill up with air!
All sight, all sound, all taste, all fair!


  1. your poem is a great reminder, thanks mom. I really like that last stanza. I think being grateful and accepting of our bodies can really help us make healthier choices. All I eat these days is sugar, maybe you could write me an ode to vegetables...:)

    1. If you love your body, you'll take good care of it! Thanks for understanding my poems! I'll try anot ode
