Thursday, November 10, 2016

Today we went to a lecture titled, Live Life Large.  Given by an English professor and his wife here on campus.  Their words inspired this poem.  Plus, I looked up the professor's poems and thought I'd try to write a mature poem.  I'm seeing the benefit of someone, say a classmate, critique and give encouragement through thoughtful discussion of how it could be better.  Because I have no idea what I'm doing!

Live Your Life

Vermont-made syrup smothering a pancake
with succulant blueberrys inside.

Pushing your diaphanous brain
to murmur a poem everyday.

Watching ripples fall behind

As you paddle on the blue.

The silky chlorination
caressing every inch and cell.

Screaming, tackling midgets
fighting for their place

snuggling on the sofa couch
Eager for Bear greeting moon.

Standing in front of a Minerva Teichert.
LOVE, memories of Love Story.

Listening to an owl hoot.
The pink flamingos on one foot.

Watching Old Faithful shoot into the air
Gigantic ancestral bison munching grass.

Eagerly opening a brand new book
Glued to your fingers, eyes drooping.

A tick ticking clock while
Aces, tick, hearts, tock and spades

glow on your hand held device.
Get up! Saddle up! And ride!


  1. these are a few of my favorite things too :)

  2. you've got a way of creating an image so that I know what you are talking about but you haven't actually said it and I really love that! The last two stanzas are about wasting time playing solitaire and then pulling my brain out of it and getting going. The image of being in a canoe is so real to me as well, and the one of wild play with the kids. Keep it up mama. being able to say something without coming straight out and explaining it is a special thing and on top of that it creates a more impactful, visceral image into the bargain

    1. Thanks Jess, it's nice to know someone knows what I'm trying to do.
